About Me

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Kuma of Shirayuki Scans
Hello I'm Kuma, you can call me G, I'm a cleaner from Shirayuki Scans, and a typesetter as well. I like to do manga cleaning.
In my free time I love to watch movies, which Movie channel like HBO and Starmovies are one of my favorite channels. I also like playing music, and able to play some instrument like piano, guitar, bass, a really little bit of drum. I love to play soccer/mini-soccer with my friends. Hanging out with friends is the best.
I'm a hobbyist photography, I prefer doing outdoor/indoor photography as it is, meaning just composing the picture, and let nature lights my subject, I'm not too fond with studio/pre-setup photography. I like photographing random and various thing.
I would be really lovely if I just have a lot of free time and not being in stressed for work/studies/anything else.
I also like digital design, but not really good at manual hand drawing design, simply say, my handdrawing sucks.